The BeesofSpike are back online.
LandofSpike would like to offer his sincere apologies for his absence from the blogosphere over the last few weeks and for the lack of news from the BeesofSpike.
This isn't due to a lack of action in the Apiary nor is it due to any Bee-related disasters. In fact, the BeesofSpike are now in the best of health, the colony has expanded excellently and the bees are currently storing up plenty of provisions in readiness for the winter.
LandofSpike's work in the Apiary has continued unabated but he has unfortunately been unable to devote any time to the blog due mainly to the demands of the BeeKeeperJuniors' summer holidays and a sizeable workload in the pesky WorldofReality.
Fortunately he has taken meticulous BeeNotes and will, in time, be able to transcribe all the action to the Land of Bees blog.
He has also, whenever possible, photographed the important elements of his inspections, his day-to-day observations and any other bee-related activity.
In addition, he and the ever present BKJ1, have recorded every inspection with the trusty CamcorderofSpike.
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It was good to see new comb appearing on the new frames |
In addition, he and the ever present BKJ1, have recorded every inspection with the trusty CamcorderofSpike.
So, with the excuses out of the way, LandofSpike can now reveal that, since our last post, the bees have been doing just fine.
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There she is... the important looking one in the middle |
Once the good weather kicked in on July 20th and once the mite situation was under control the colony started to thrive.
The bees eventually moved into top gear for the end of the summer.
They are currently harvesting the final pollen of the year.
The new comb and stores of honey have been appearing at an ever increasing pace and the new Super has filled extremely quickly.
LandofSpike has decided to leave his Bees with the Super in place for the winter. The focus for this year is to get the colony through the winter and leaving them with a big box of full and heavy frames of capped honey seems to be an obvious choice.
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Honey production up and running |
They are currently harvesting the final pollen of the year.
Close to the Apiary, the grounds of Spike Towers are home to large swathes of ivy so the workers are stocking up while they can.
The BeesofSpike have developed a seasonal taste for syrup and they are consequently taking down industrial amounts of 2:1 sugar solution from the top feeder.
Their concerted effort at draining it dry started in the first week of September and they've been at it ever since.
LandofSpike has today returned from the local supermarket with his sixth 5 kilo pack of cane sugar of the Autumn.
He has made up yet another batch of syrup and is just waiting for it to cool before refilling the feeder in the morning.
Details of their syrup consumption will be dealt with in a separate post and will also include the methodology for preparing the feed.
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BeesofSpike workers taking syrup from the feeder |
LandofSpike has today returned from the local supermarket with his sixth 5 kilo pack of cane sugar of the Autumn.
He has made up yet another batch of syrup and is just waiting for it to cool before refilling the feeder in the morning.
Details of their syrup consumption will be dealt with in a separate post and will also include the methodology for preparing the feed.
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A familiar sight in the LandofSpike kitchens over the past month |
The varroa count is down to about 1 per day, which means that the Apiguard has done its job perfectly. The All Clear has been sounded and the colony should be able to overwinter without fear of mite attack.
There is consequently now no sign of DWV (deformed wing virus) which, whilst the varroa had hold, had afflicted some BeesofSpike workers.
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A week's worth of Varroa in mid September. All hail Apiguard |
The Drones have all now been booted out.
This took place around the end of August and the start of September.
Watching workers escorting drones to the edge of the landing board then encouraging them, nightclub bouncer style, to take off into the blue, was fascinating.
You could almost see the workers dusting off their hands as they swaggered back to the hive, job done.
LandofSpike's smoker technique has also improved.
From a shaky, hit and miss start, he has developed a sure fire, works-every-time method. There will shortly be a smoker-dedicated post revealing his methods to a waiting world.
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Foolproof smoker lighting technique soon to be revealed! |
Right, that's all for now.
It's been a rather sketchy, and not particularly cohesive, précis of the recent activity in the Apiary but hopefully it gets us up to speed on the current situation.
There is an awful lot more BeesofSpike info to upload in the near future so LandofSpike is going to try and sort it into bite-size chunks.
The next post will be along very shortly.