Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Your Bees are in the Post

LandofSpike has ordered his bees.

A Five Frame Nucleus of Buckfasts.
The Queen's already marked, which is good, as that means LandofSpike won't have to risk squashing her to death trying to mark her himself.
She's not clipped but that shouldn't be a problem.
The Nuc will be Varroa treated before despatch and will have brood eggs and flying workers.
And, happily, it's all on National frames which will slot right into the Beebox.

They're due to arrive at Spike Towers by registered post in a couple of weeks.
LandofSpike's postman, I'm sure, will be delighted.

Yes, he's delighted
On the one hand LandofSpike is really rather excited about the Imminent Bee Arrival, but on the other hand, he's seriously wondering what on earth he thinks he's playing at.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Up Above the Ground... Bees on Stilts

LandofSpike and BKJ1 have built a stand for the Beebox.
It needed one.
Because Beeboxes like to be raised above the ground.

There are several reasons for this:

a) Working at a Manageable Height
If the hive is positioned too low or too high it's going to be a difficult job hefting honey-laden supers and brood boxes.
Even day-to-day inspections are more arduous if the box is positioned incorrectly.
Ouch to beekeeper back problems.

b) Fresh air
Keeping the hive away from the ground helps to minimise problems with the damp and helps with the ventilation of the hive.

c) Creature Incursion
An elevated hive helps keep crawling insects, especially ants, at bay.
Setting the legs in a margarine tub of cooking oil is a good idea. The sea of oil is a good insect barrier.


Making the hive stand was a simple enough job.

LandofSpike made it 30" long x 20" wide.
He used 4" x 2" lumber to construct the hive stand and fixed it together with 5mm x 75mm screws.

LandofSpike's Secret Blueprints

The platform was designed so the base of the hive would be at 14" above the ground.

The back legs continued above the deck level to form an end stop for the rear of the hive.
At the front a landing board for the bees was fashioned from an offcut of 15mm planking and it was held in place by some strategically positioned supports.

Without landing board

And with landing board

Once completed the stand was given a couple of coats of garden wood preserver. 
The landing board was painted with the more bee-friendly Dulux Weathershield. 
A landing board isn't really necessary but it's nice to watch the bees crawling around on it rather than just darting efficiently into their front door.
Apparently they like a highly visible landing area so it was painted a highly visible Classic Cream colour.

Weatherproofed stand with hive and landing board
LandofSpike now has to do a little more work on the western borders of Spike Acres before it is fully transformed into the new BeesofSpike Apiary. It just needs a bit more screening along its eastern edge, some more grass and a bit of weatherproofing.

Then all we need is some Livestock.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Living in a Box... Some New Accommodation

It's all very well waxing lyrical about the splendour of being a beekeeper but at some point our beeless blogger does need to have some actual real-life contact with his own boxful of bees.

It does cost though.

So LandofSpike has eventually had to bite the bullet and release funds from his Empire's not particularly vast Reserves of Wealth.
Over the last few weeks Purchase Orders have been raised and orders have been placed.

Subsequently, the Post Room at Spike Towers has been kept busy receiving regular deliveries of Bee-related Equipment from a worthy array of suppliers.

It's very tempting to list all the exciting new arrivals but this post will put aside hive tools, bee brushes and smokers for the time being and deal with our Most Important Piece of New Kit...

The Hive has arrived.
It's rather smart.
It's from Finland and is called The Beebox.
It takes National frames and is made not of cedar but is lovingly crafted out of EPS.
Yes, that's Expanded Polystyrene. 
Not particularly traditional in this country, but hopefully functional, user-friendly and warm in the winter. And with any luck, the bees will love it.

LandofSpike and BKJ1 have spent some time piecing it together and painting it.
It comes flat-packed and slots easily together.

The unpainted Beebox
It currently comprises of (from the top down) a roof, an inner cover, a top feeder, 2 supers, a queen excluder, a brood box and a base with varroa mesh and tray. And a big strap to tie it down.

The Beebox has a cool entrance reducer

Modern Beekeeping recommended painting the Hive with Dulux Weathershield Smooth Masonry Paint. 
So it got several coats of the stuff in different colours for the different components.
LandofSpike thinks it looks pretty good.

How it all fits together

The boys have also been constructing a big stack of frames.
The delightfully and cunningly designed Hoffman ones.
Ten full size frames for the brood box and ten smaller frames for each super.

Frame components
Completed frame
It's a goodly task once you get your rhythm and is extremely satisfying.
BKJ1 was particularly good at it.
LandofSpike will spend some time on frames and frame making in a later post.

The Beebox, painted, but still masked up
So with the Hive now looking box-tastic the next task is to make a stand to keep it well above the ground.
LandofSpike will be lovingly handcrafting this himself.
Anyone who has seen his previous attempts at woodworking will have some idea of exactly just how magnificent this will be...